Earlier today, YouTuber iDubbbz posted a video titled “I miss the old idubbbz.” This was an apology video for all the hateful and bigoted comments and content he's made in the past. The title of the video refers to the audience who still align with his “old rhetoric” and how they shouldn't.

Over the years, iDubbbz has moved away from bigoted of content, but the hateful videos still remain. He assumed that him turning away from that was a “weak and passive way to run my channel” when he didn't address it. iDubbbz' apology video claimed he wanted to “take accountability for the mistakes I've made.” This was him addressing it.

This “hurtful and damaging content” he referred to was his video section called Content Cop videos. The series involved iDubbbz criticizing another YouTuber's content or behavior for whatever the reason was. In one Content Cop video which he referred to was fellow YouTuber Tana Mongeau's use of the n-word. She tweeted at him criticizing his use of it, and he doubled down and found past content of her doing the same.

In the process of that video and other Content Cop videos, he cultivated a “culture of apathy and cruelty as well.” Although, he convinced himself he was doing it for the right reasons. According to iDubbbz apology, he wasn't confident in his ability to entertain, but the videos were successful. He also excused himself by saying he wasn't responsible for the how his audience reacted. But in this apology, he takes full responsibility for how his audience acted. It isn't right to act as he was.

The video interestingly ran ads, but the YouTuber explained that it was for a good reason. However much revenue he made, he would match and donate to “an organization particularly affected by the rhetoric” he'd been spewing. These organizations are the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the Trans Women of Color Collective.