With Superman: Legacy only a year and half away, James Gunn has clearly been hard at work preparing to get the first entry in DC's new cinematic universe ready for cameras to start rolling. One way he's been prepping for the film has been drawing a copious amount of storyboards, which he was more than happy to share online for fans to see.

Gunn was answering fan questions on Threads when he decided to give them a glimpse at some of what he's been working on for the new Superman film, according to Yahoo. The image showed multiple file bins full of what Gunn described as “just a few storyboards” he had drawn up for the DC Universe's first feature film.

Superman next to James Gunn.

Storyboarding is a fairly common practice in Hollywood for film and TV series as they help create a sort of “roadmap” for how the production should bring said story to life on screen. Gunn, in particular, takes great care in storyboarding his films as he has said in the past it helps the rest of the production team understand his visual style for the particular project he is working on.

An example of this can be found with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, where Gunn had massive stacks of storyboards drawn for only 12 pages of its script.

It would not be surprising if this was the same for Superman: Legacy and the boxes of storyboards Gunn has already drawn only represent a handful of pages from the film's script. The film is already set to serve as the DCU's first feature film release and will include a collection of other DC characters, ranging from Hawkgirl to Maxwell Lord, which Gunn may have already drawn up storyboards for in preparation for filming.

Superman: Legacy is scheduled to release in theaters on July 11, 2025.