Jeremy Lin, a former NBA player has found himself playing in the well-known G League as he attempts to get back into the NBA at some point in his career. However, he's facing other challenges non-basketball related since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lin recently revealed another player within the G League had called him “coronavirus” as a way to point out Lin's Asian descent. Jeremy Lin has been vocal about the incident, however, he's opting to not name which player instigated the name-calling, according to CNN Tonight.

As reported on CNN, hate crimes against Asian-Americans spiked since the outbreak of the coronavirus. Some people have acted harshly towards Asian-Americans only because the origin of the virus comes from China. It's a situation that doesn't make any sense, as Jeremy Lin and other Asian-Americans were born in America. Similar to how some people say they're Irish, but live in America.

Jeremy Lin expresses the number of times he's dealt with racial slurs throughout his basketball career. Considering it's the year 2021 and we're still experiencing racism everywhere is a problem that needs to be fixed.

A lot of racial incidences have happened throughout the years, most recently in 2020, during the Black Lives Matter protests, where systemic racism was being called out. This is a fight that must happen for real change to come to fruition.

Jeremy Lin doesn't just speak for himself here, he's speaking about everybody. Everyone has to be better for us to live in a better world. Hopefully, one day, reports on racist encounters will come to a full stop.