Academy Award-winning actress Kate Winslet has revealed her thoughts on filming nude scenes for her upcoming movie “Lee,” shedding light on the challenges and importance of such scenes in cinematic storytelling.

‘Lee,’ an eagerly anticipated project, is set to explore the life and legacy of Lee Miller, a renowned American photographer and model turned war correspondent. Winslet is slated to play the role, which includes scenes that required her to portray Miller in states of undress.

“You know I had to be really fucking brave about letting my body be its softest version of itself and not hiding from that,” Winslet said about the film’s nude scenes. “And believe me, people amongst our own team would say, ‘You might just want to sit up a bit.’ And I’d go, ‘Why? [Because of] the bit of flesh you can see? No, that’s the way it’s going to be!’”

The “Titanic” actress produced the upcoming film and has fought for years to make sure that the film would push through with its budget. In a cover story by Vogue, she speaks on her bravery when it comes to getting men to invest in the movie.

“The men who think you want and need their help are unbelievably outraging,” Winslet said. “I’ve even had a director say to me: ‘Listen, you do my film and I’ll get your little ‘Lee’ funded…’ Little! Or we’d have potential male investors saying things like: ‘Tell me, why am I supposed to like this woman?’”

It was in this situation that brought about the question on how the #MeToo movement has influenced the world in Hollywood.

“Oh, my God! This is the best part. Young actresses now—f**k me—they are unafraid. It makes me so proud. And I think, Yes, all the s**t flinging, all the struggle, all the using my voice for years, often being finger-​pointed at and laughed at—I don’t give a s**t! It was all bloody worth it. Because the culture is changing in the way that I couldn’t in my wildest dreams have imagined in my 20s,” the actress said to Vogue.

Kate Winslet then continued to talk about her experience as an actress and how her life was not so easy when it came to her figure. “I was consistently told I was the wrong shape,” Winslet said to the interview. “I was consistently told I would have to settle for less.”

“I know better than to waste precious energy on criticizing my physical self,” she added. “I think any woman is better off just saying: I believe in myself. It doesn’t matter what other people think; this is who I am — let’s get on with it.”

Kate Winslet’s strong character with the former Vogue model to photographer Lee Miller will certainly provide an interesting take on her life during World War II.