Although the Kiriko Halloween skin itself is pretty good-looking, the bundle that it's a part of is anything but. Keep reading to learn more about the Kiriko skin bundle that earned the criticism of Overwatch 2 players.

The Halloween Event titled Halloween Terror 2022 is currently ongoing in Overwatch 2. While the main feature added during the event is the Player vs Enemy or PvE modes, the limited edition skins are also part of the fun. There are a variety of themed skins available right now, including the aforementioned Witch Kiriko skin bundle. The bundle costs 2600 Overwatch coins (roughly $25 in value) and includes the skin, a weapon charm, an icon, a play of the game highlight intro, and a player name card. While a bundle is nice as it usually includes more items than what you paid for, that isn't the case here.

One of the biggest qualms players have is that the Halloween Kiriko skin is not available on its own. As a comparison, the Junker Queen Executioner skin is available on its own and is worth around $20. A lot of players would rather just buy the skin, as it would be cheaper than the bundle. Blizzard, however, does not allow this. If players want the Kiriko skin, they have to pay for the whole bundle.

Some players brought up the fact that buying the Battle Pass (which is worth 1000 Overwatch coins, or around $10) is better. This is due to the fact that the Battle Pass gives a total of eight skins. This includes the Epic Genji skin, which is basically multiple skins in one. Not only that, but players also get a lot of sprays, weapon charms, and more. Sure, it takes work to level the Battle Pass. However, it's still better than having to spend more than double for just one Kiriko skin.

What's even funnier is that players who did buy the bundle somehow ended up in debt. Players have reported their Overwatch coin balance dipping into the negative as if they were charged twice for their purchase. There is currently no news as to why this happened, and the Blizzard isn't really much use as all it tells the player to do is contact customer support.

The Halloween Terror event is currently ongoing and will end on November 8, 2022. Overwatch 2 itself is free-to-play and is available on PlaystationXboxNintendo Switch, and PC. For more details about the event, click here.