The Los Angeles Lakers suffered yet another dispiriting defeat, this time against Luka Doncic and the Dallas Mavericks on Tuesday night. LeBron James was seen very visibly deflated during one sequence where nothing was going right for the purple and gold.

Check out the Lakers star virtually shut off numerous times during this 25 second span:

King James battled for post position twice but his teammates were unable to find him under the basket. Then the Mavs turned the Lakers' misfortune into an easy transition dunk on the other end. LeBron's body language spoke volumes.

The Lakers battled back from a 21-point hole in the second quarter all the way to take a six-point lead at the start of the final quarter. However, they couldn't sustain the momentum as the Mavs went on an 11-0 run in the middle of the fourth and held on to the lead for good.

LeBron James was vocal after the game that the Lakers still had a pulse. While they've fallen in six of their last seven games and have fallen seven games under .500, Bron remained optimistic about looking towards the next games instead.

Via Mike Trudell:

“Until you bury me 12-feet under, I got a chance. That’s my confidence … as long as we got more games to play, we still have a chance … I hate losing … I feel like poop right now. But tomorrow’s a new day, and I’m going to be prepared for the Clippers on Thursday.”

Things have looked bleak for the Lakers of late and clearly LeBron James is carrying that burden right with him.