Instead of watching segments from the show from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on YouTube, you'll have to wait awhile. We're talking a few days.

HBO premiered the 11th season of the popular comedy broadcast that deals with politics, current events, and more. However, THR reports that the show wasn't on YouTube on Monday morning.

Why HBO is not posting John Oliver on YouTube the next day

It's due to HBO grasping onto the broadcast highlights a few days longer after new episodes. It's an attempt to bring more people over to Max as subscribers.

“When Last Week Tonight with John Oliver premiered on HBO, the convenience of watching on Max did not exist, so YouTube allowed flexible viewing for the main story as well as promotional exposure,” a spokesperson from HBO said. “We are now delaying that availability and hope those fans choose to watch the entire show on Max.”

So, what does Oliver think of this?

According to a post on X, he doesn't seem thrilled and hopes it goes back to how it used to be. Normally, before this new protocol, you could catch highlights the next day.

The host said, “I know I usually share a link to our main story here on Mondays, but HBO has decided they're going to wait until Thursday to post them to YouTube from now on. I hope they change their mind, but until then, you can see our piece about the Supreme Court on HBO, on MAX, and on YouTube in a few days.”

Last Week Tonight has 9+ million subscribers, and segments get millions of views. That said, it's not as big of a boost as a subscription to Max would be. Those itching for John Oliver sooner than later must pull out their wallets and subscribe.