Arcane Season 2 is almost here, and Riot Games aims to bring a cohesive experience for fans and players with Arcane-themed updates to League of Legends including making a character from the show a playable Champion!

Ambessa Medarda, League's Upcoming Champion

The 23-minute-long Season 2024 Look Ahead video was packed with all-new League of Legends updates that players can expect for the rest of the year. One of the sections discussed the upcoming Arcane Season 2, and how League of Legends will be brought closer to the award-winning adaptation.

The biggest piece of information we got was that we would get Ambessa Medarda as a playable champion sometime this year.

For those who may have forgotten, Ambessa Medarda is the mother of Mel Medarda. Ambessa is a Noxian warlord, sharing her place of origin with the likes of Darius, Draven, Katarina, Swain, and LeBlanc, to name a few.

Speaking about the champion, Andrei “Riot Meddler” van Roon, Head of League Studio in Riot Games, said that Ambessa “is not for the faint of heart in-game.” He also hinted at some parts of her kit: “She brings both strength and speed, sidestepping attacks with surprising agility.”

Her weapon of choice is a sword, and being from Noxus, she would most likely prefer to fight with strength. Taking these into account, she would most likely be a melee Fighter-Bruiser, suited for brawls in the top lane or the jungle. On the other hand, Riot Games can choose to focus on her “warlord” aspect and give her more of a commander-style kit, similar to that of Azir. With the hinted mobility, perhaps we can also expect a little bit of similarity to Samira's kit, a fellow Noxian.

Other Arcane updates in League of Legends

The Season 2024 Look Ahead video also alluded to a champion update coming for “a champion [Riot] hasn't talked about before” that plays a pretty big role in Arcane.

“We want to bring their Arcane version to the Rift with updated visuals and VO, while also giving some love to their gameplay,” Lexi “Riot Lexical” Gao, Champions Team Lead in Riot Games, said.

As for who the Arcane-inspired VGU is for, specifically, they did not specify. We can only draw speculation and the most likely one from the known Arcane cast to receive it is Singed. His backstory, involvement, and even ties to other champions have been rewritten for Arcane, and it would be good timing to put some attention to his outdated kit while brushing up on some of his voice-overs to match what we know of him from Arcane. However, a Tweet from Riot Lexical confirmed that the champion to receive the VGU will not be from Season 1, which crosses out Jayce, Vi, Viktor, Caitlyn, Jinx, Heimerdinger, and Singed.

Warwick had a brief appearance, and Orianna also appeared (in human form), but with this information, the pool of eligible champions is massive.

This VGU is slated for an early 2025 release after Arcane Season 2 is complete.

On top of this VGU, a new “Arcane-inspired gameplay” and a few more surprises were also hinted at, but we unfortunately did not get more details on this one. New skins are planned, perhaps similar to the ones we got for Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, and Jayce during the show's debut season.

These are all expected to be released around the same time as the Arcane Season 2 premiere, which is scheduled for November 2024. This may also tie up with the game's esports scene, as this would be around the time when the annual League of Legends World Championship is scheduled.

We got a first look at Arcane Season 2, which you can read more about here.