Olivia Dunne is one of the most famous college athletes in the country right now. She's amassed 7.6 million TikTok followers and 4.2 million Instagram followers. Some people strictly know her from social media and did not even realize she happens to be a talented college gymnast at LSU. Dunne recently said that doesn't bother her, but she wants to utilize her popularity to help grow the sport of gymnastics.

“There's just so many different places that people follow me from,” Olivia Dunne said on the FULL SEND PODCAST. “Like TikTok, there's people from Sports Illustrated, there's people that have been following my career for such a long time, it's hard to satisfy everyone's needs. I just feel like if you follow me for the gymnastics then awesome. But also, there's new eyes on me that maybe don't really care that much about the gymnastics but potentially could start watching the sport which is really cool to me.

“Bringing in a new audience, and new eyes to the sport, which is sick.”

Olivia Dunne's insane popularity

Olivia Dunne's insane popularity has even led to increased security at LSU gymnastics events. Dunne said during the podcast that she doesn't receive any kind of special treatment from the team though despite her celebrity status. She simply loves the sport and wants to finish her college career on a high note.

Once Dunne's college career comes to a finish, she will have plenty of options for her future career. For now, she will continue to focus on her gymnastics tenure at LSU.