Over the course of Mark Wahlberg's career, audiences have typically seen the Boston-native play the hero in the many action films he has starred in from Shooter to Deepwater Horizon. This won't be the case in his next film Flight Risk, though, and the first trailer gave a taste of Wahlberg's villainous turn in the Mel Gibson-directed actioneer.

Danger at 10,000 Ft.

The first trailer for Flight Risk was released on Thursday, providing audiences a first look at the tense action film pitting Michelle Dockery's FBI agent Madelyn Harris against hitman Daryl Booth, played by Mark Wahlberg, inside a compact Cessna at 10,000 feet. Between the two is Topher Grace's Winston, a federal informant being transported by private plane to testify in court against the notorious crime organization he previously worked for.

Along with the claustrophobic action, one of the things that will likely jump out at audiences if Wahlberg's hair, or lack thereof.

His turn in Flight Risk marks the first time Wahlberg has starred as the villain since the 1996 film Fear, where a young Wahlberg starred opposite Reese Witherspoon. Wahlberg starred as David McCall, an attractive and charming young man that quickly catches the attention of Witherspoon's Nicole Walker and the pair begin dating shortly after. McCall's charm ends up being a visage, though, as the young man slowly reveals himself to be a violent sociopath determined to make Nicole his and his alone.

Mark Wahlberg has previously expressed his excitement about getting to play a villain again in an interview with People and how the character of Daryl Booth “jumped” at him.

“It was one of those things where the character just jumped off the page and to really kind of switch it up,” Wahlberg said. “You got three people on the plane; they probably expect me to be the kind of guy who's gonna save the day and within the first 15 minutes you really get into it.”

Behind the Camera

Flight Risk will also be the first film directed by Mel Gibson to hit theaters in eight years following the 2016 release of the critically-acclaimed Hacksaw Ridge. The film told the story of famed-World War 2 veteran and Medal of Honor recipient Desmond Doss, who famously saved at least 75 wounded men during the Battle of Okinawa.

Gibson's involvement also means the involvement of his longtime partner Bruce Davey, who helped produce several of Gibson's biggest films including Braveheart and Apocalypto.

Flight Risk is scheduled to release in theaters on October 18, 2024.