Apparently Mel Gibson has somehow un-cancelled himself and is back in Hollywood’s good graces enough to be rumored to be directing the next installment in the Lethal Weapon franchise.

Gibson, untouchable as recently as the early 2010s because of past racist, sexist, antisemitic, abusive, homophobic language and behavior — not to mention his run-ins with the law due to domestic violence and alcoholism — is somehow apparently in the running to direct a major studio motion picture again, even as others in Hollywood question how his entertainment career is surviving the age of cancel culture.

More shocking still is the fact that Gibson might even have two major directing projects to choose from in 2024, according to a report in World of Reel.

The website reports that Jim Caviezel, who played Jesus in Gibson’s 2004 controversial film The Passion of the Christ, recently mentioned that a sequel to the biblical work was aiming to shoot in early 2024.

That announcement is surprising in itself, since the first film’s non-historical-based representation of the Jews’ role in Jesus’ death spurred the original allegations of Gibson’s anti-semitism — allegations which were largely validated after Gibson’s notorious 2006 Malibu DUI arrest in which he went on a hate-filled anti-semitic rant.

One would think these issues would be a deterrent to letting Gibson anywhere near the subject matter again, but apparently the only controversy with the Passion of the Christ sequel is whether to split the new film into two or three parts.

As for Lethal Weapon 5, freelance journalist Daniel Richtman is reporting that Jez Butterworth, the screenwriter of such films as Ford v Ferrari and Edge of Tomorrow, wrote the most recent draft for Lethal Weapon 5 and the film is now expected to shoot at some point in 2024. Gibson is rumored to be directing as well as reprising his role alongside Danny Glover.

World of Reel reports that a fifth installment of the Lethal Weapon franchise has been rumored for some time. Gibson said in November 2021 that he was in negotiations to star in and direct the latest sequel. He emphasized that he was directing the film to honor the original Lethal Weapon’s late director, Richard Donner, who first wrote the screenplay and was in line to direct before he passed away in July 2021.

What a mensch you are, Mel Gibson. Other than the aforementioned racism, sexism, antisemitism, abusiveness and homophobia, of course.