Luka Doncic did all he can to carry the Dallas Mavericks to a win over the Milwaukee Bucks on Friday, but in the end, the Mavs came up short. Doncic actually had a chance to win the game with a last-second shot, but Bucks guard Jrue Holiday had other ideas.

With the game on the line and less than three seconds remaining on the clock, the Mavs had one final possession. They were down by just one point, which gave Luka a perfect opportunity to win it for his team. Unfortunately for him, Jrue Holiday decided that this just wasn't going to be the case:

The Bucks escaped with the victory, 106-105, with Doncic visibly upset after they lost another close one.

Luka seemed to have calmed down after the tough loss. In his post-game press conference, the Mavs superstar had nothing but high praise for Holiday, who he believes is one of the top defenders in the NBA today:

“Jrue is one of the best, if not the best guard defender for me,” Doncic admitted. “I think he don't get a lot of praise of how he can guard. So for me, it's really tough to go against him. Which I'm surprised he’s never like Defensive Player of the Year or something.”

Luka Doncic is one of the best pure scorers this game has ever seen, so for him to have this high level of praise on Holiday speaks volumes of just how good the Bucks guard truly is on the defensive end. As Doncic said, Jrue Holiday doesn't get enough credit for what he brings to the table.