Captain America: Brave New World is rumored to feature an existing Marvel villain. According to a source named CanWeGetSomeToast on X, the villain was already introduced in The Incredible Hulk.

Portrayed by Tim Blake Nelson, the character Samuel Sterns (also known as The Leader) had a brief encounter with Bruce Banner's irradiated blood. Which is why his head mutated.

The rumors suggest he's also supporting the reptile-themed villains in Captain America 4.

More details about these characters and their relationship are yet to be revealed. But behind-the-scenes pictures confirm that the Serpent Society will appear in Brave New World. However, their role in the story hasn't been confirmed yet.

The Serpent Society has been a major enemy of Captain America since their debut in Captain America #310 in 1985. Created by Mark Gruenwald and Paul Neary, this group has caused trouble for Steve Rogers and his successors. The team's composition has changed over time, with various new villains joining their ranks.

But while fans are excited about the Serpent Society's live-action debut, there are concerns about how well they will fit into the MCU.

Production designer Ramsey Avery assures that the upcoming Captain America film will focus on a realistic story that highlights Sam Wilson's new role. Avery stated, “We want this to feel grounded, like it's really happening in the world. It's different from some of the recent movies in many ways. It's a conscious and intriguing choice that raises various questions.”

Captain America: Brave New World is currently aimed for release on July 26, 2024.