Former NFL standout Marshawn Lynch has never been shy about his use of weed and said that would be something he would legalize if he were the NFL commissioner. Lynch had a 45-minute sitdown interview with John Kryk of the Toronto Sun talking about almost everything.

When asked what the first thing he would do if he were in charge of the league is, he didn't hesitate with his answer.

“Legalizing dodi in the league. Yup,” Lynch replied, which sent Kryk to the internet to learn that was slang for marijuana.

Lynch said he's not sure it's something the league will do, but it's something he thinks would really help many around the league deal with pain.

“I don’t know. It’s a tricky league. I would like to see it,” he said. “Just now, with being retired. The aches and pains that I’d be feeling before, a little do’, man. I get up, go work out, and you know, partake, do my thing and s— — and I’m cool. Maybe it’s because I’m not banging into anybody anymore.”

Painkillers are a huge problem in the league because they are allowed. Players become addicted to them and continue to abuse them, which is why there has been a big push the last few years for weed and CBD to be allowed by the league.

If it will be allowed, it's probably still a few years down the road, but if Lynch takes over the job, it will go into the rulebook on day one.