Pat Fitzgerald and Northwestern football have been going at each other for weeks. Members of the Wildcats and other involved parties in the hazing scandal have officially come out. They even went as far as filing a lawsuit against the football coach because of his lack of actions to prevent further damages. Although, Fitzgerald's party is trying hard to make sure that their headaches do not get any worse.

Northwestern football's athletic director and president were cited along with Pat Fitzgerald in a pending lawsuit. They were also appointed as the defendants in the case together with the school's board of trustees. The former coach did not like this. His lawyer fired back with their own public statement to address the case, per Adam Rittenberg of ESPN.


“The Complaint recites the same anonymous allegations set forth in a July 8, 2023 newspaper article. Instead of making actual detailed factual allegations about Coach Fitzgerald's conduct, the complaint makes a variety of broad-based and sweeping allegations “upon information and belief,” without citing any specific facts or evidence,” the lawyer wrote.

He also adds to the letter by expounding on why the former Wildcats coach had nothing to do with any of the hazing.

“Nothing in the John Doe complaint comes close to contradiction the conclusions of the months-long investigation led by Attorney Maggie Hickey – that Coach Fitzgerald had no knowledge whatsoever of any form of hazing within the Northwestern Football Program,” they declared.

It seems that they are going for the same type of defense to clear Fitzgerald's name. Will this be enough to absolve him of the allegations?