While contemplating taking a hiatus from acting, Matt Damon had one exception that would cause him to reconsider that: Christopher Nolan calling him. Well, Damon is one of the stars of his upcoming film, Oppenheimer.

In a conversation with Entertainment Weekly for their Around the Table series, Damon said, “This is going to sound made up, but it's actually true.”

“I had — not to get too personal — negotiated extensively with my wife that I was taking time off. I had been in Interstellar, and then Chris put me on ice for a couple of movies, so I wasn't in the rotation, but I actually negotiated in couples therapy ­ this is a true story — the one caveat to my taking time off was if Chris Nolan called,” Damon revealed.

He continued, “This is without knowing whether or not he was working on anything, because he never tells you. He just calls you out of the blue. And so, it was a moment in my household.”

Matt Damon has been a busy man in recent years. In 2019, he starred in the Oscar-winning historical drama Ford v. Ferrari with Christian Bale from director James Mangold. He then starred in the likes of No Sudden Move, Stillwater, and Ridley Scott's The Last Duel in 2021 before making a cameo appearance in Thor: Love and Thunder as Asgard's Loki stage actor. Earlier this year, Damon starred in the phenomenal sports drama, Air, which he produced alongside real-life buddy Ben Affleck (who also directed the film).

In Oppenheimer — a film about the titular physicist (played by Cillian Murphy) — Damon plays Leslie Groves. The rest of the A-list cast of Christopher Nolan's latest is filled with the likes of Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Rami Malek, Florence Pugh, Kenneth Branagh, and many, many more.

Oppenheimer will be released on July 21.