Oprah Winfrey gets candid about how she's lost weight and has no shame in it.

The megastar, known on a first-name basis, revealed that she uses weight-loss medication as a “maintenance tool,” she told PEOPLE in a recent interview.

Oprah and her weight-loss medication use

She's known for her journey with weight as a spokesperson for Weight Watchers and for scrutiny of her body throughout the years. Now, she has had enough. And she's eager to share with the world what she's doing and what works for her.

She didn't hold back regarding how the public has viewed her weight.

“It was a public sport to make fun of me for 25 years,” she said. “I have been blamed and shamed, and I blamed and shamed myself.”

She's lost a lot of weight and admitted that she uses a prescription for managing pounds. It happened after she consulted a doctor about it.

“I now use it as I feel I need it, as a tool to manage not yo-yoing,” she said, without naming what exactly she was taking.

The actress added, “The fact that there's a medically approved prescription for managing weight and staying healthier, in my lifetime, feels like relief, like redemption, like a gift, and not something to hide behind and once again be ridiculed for. I'm absolutely done with the shaming from other people and particularly myself.”

She revealed before Thanksgiving, she took medication “because I knew I was going to have two solid weeks of eating.”

Oprah has decided what works best for her and her weight. It's nice to hear her publicly talk about what she does.