Quarterback Brett Favre is renowned as a Green Bay Packers legend through and through. He's always let his voice be heard both on and off the the football field. Favre was seen on a different kind of grass over the weekend, playing a round of golf with President Donald Trump that is.
The two were photographed playing at Trump's golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Even though Trump preached that wearing masks are needed to combat COVID-19, neither Favre nor the president were sporting masks.
Seeing Favre and Trump sharing the golf course is somewhat odd. Brett indeed has been a visible supporter of the Republican party. But earlier this offseason, Favre came out and defended Colin Kaepernick for his stance on kneeling during the national anthem. Furthermore, Favre went as far as to say that Kaepernick should be remembered as a hero like Pat Tillman for his efforts to combat systemic racism.
On the other hand, Trump has been very vocal about his disdain for players kneeling during the anthem. The president threatened to refrain from watching NFL games — or any sporting events — that featured players that decide to kneel during the anthem.
The current president even called out NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for supporting players that could decide to kneel in 2020.
Of course, Brett Favre playing golf with Trump could just be him taking the chance to rub elbows with the POTUS. However way you swing it though, seeing the pair together on a golf course is a peculiar sight.