The Football Association (FA) is aiming to bring Pep Guardiola on board as the next England manager, following Gareth Southgate‘s resignation after the Euro 2024 final, reported by GOAL.

Gareth Southgate, who guided England to two European Championship finals and a World Cup semi-final, announced his resignation after England's heartbreaking loss to Spain in the Euro 2024 final. Southgate's departure marks the end of an era, and the FA is now on the hunt for a successor who can build on his achievements and lead the team to glory.

Pep Guardiola is the dream appointment

Among the potential candidates, Pep Guardiola, the current Manchester City manager, stands out as a top choice for the FA. According to The Independent, the FA is willing to wait and see if Guardiola, whose contract with Manchester City expires in 2025, will be available before making a permanent appointment. Guardiola has hinted that he might leave Manchester City at the end of the 2024-25 season, making him a tantalizing prospect for the England job.

Given the timeline, the FA might need to appoint an interim manager to lead England until Guardiola's availability is confirmed. Lee Carsley, currently managing the Under-21s, is seen as a strong candidate for the interim role. His familiarity with the England setup and experience with the younger players make him a logical choice to bridge the gap until a long-term appointment is made.

Waiting for Guardiola could be a strategic move by the FA, given his unparalleled success and tactical acumen. Guardiola, often regarded as the most successful manager of the modern era, has won the Premier League six times, leading Manchester City to five consecutive titles. He has also secured the Champions League three times, showcasing his ability to excel at the highest levels of club football.

Pep Guardiola's potential impact

Guardiola's appointment could bring a new level of tactical sophistication and winning mentality to the England squad. His experience in managing top-tier clubs and players could help England navigate the pressures of international tournaments and finally secure a major trophy. Moreover, Guardiola's focus on youth development aligns well with England's recent emphasis on nurturing young talent.

However, the FA faces several challenges in this pursuit. Firstly, convincing Guardiola to take on the role of an international manager might be difficult, given his preference for the day-to-day involvement of club management. Additionally, the FA would need to ensure a smooth transition period with an interim manager who can maintain team stability and performance.

What's next for Pep Guardiola and England

For the next 10 months, Guardiola will concentrate on his commitments with Manchester City, aiming to compete for titles on all fronts as usual. During this period, the FA will closely monitor his situation, hoping that the seasoned tactician will show interest in transitioning to international management.

If the FA opts for an interim manager, Lee Carsley could take charge of England's matches up until next summer. This would allow the FA to maintain continuity within the team while keeping the door open for Guardiola. Carsley's familiarity with the England setup and his rapport with the players would be invaluable during this transitional phase.

Ultimately, the decision will rest with Guardiola. If he expresses interest in the England job, it could be a game-changer for the national team. His strategic vision, combined with England's talented squad, could finally break the long-standing trophy drought and elevate England to new heights in international football.

The FA's plan to potentially name Pep Guardiola as the next England manager is ambitious but promising. While there are hurdles to overcome, securing Guardiola's expertise could be the key to transforming England into a dominant force in international football. As the FA navigates this crucial period, the football world will be watching closely, eager to see if this bold strategy pays off.