The Pro Bowl typically offers a lot of offense, minimal defense, and virtually zero special teams play. It's an exhibition game for entertainment's sake, after all. Still, each year the best punters in the NFL are invited to the event, having earned the honor for their performance in the regular season. This year's team featured Las Vegas Raiders punter AJ Cole, who hilariously detailed what his Pro Bowl experience was like in an interview with ESPN.

Cole revealed that AFC Pro Bowl head coach Mike Vrabel explicitly told him before the game that they wouldn't be punting the ball, so Cole knew coming into the game that he wasn't going to be utilized much. He made the most of his opportunities, limited as they may have been, effectively holding the ball on field goal and extra-point attempts — and he has the grass stains to prove it.

Apart from his brief cameos on holding duty, the Raiders punter said he's been giving out high-fives left and right and is always around to fill up a Gatorade cup if needed. That's a true teammate right there, not worried about playing time, just there for the vibes and moral support.

Cole certainly didn't seem bothered about not getting in the game much, knowing that fans aren't exactly eager to see teams pinned within their own five-yard line during an event like the Pro Bowl. He's maintaining a positive attitude and being a good sport nonetheless, enjoying the opportunity to spend some time with some of the best players in the sport.