Rob Lowe, the 59-year-old actor, has much to celebrate as he marks 33 years of sobriety. In a recent Instagram post on May 10, he shared a heartwarming reflection on his journey to recovery, expressing gratitude for the tribe that has sustained him throughout the years.
Lowe’s post features a photo of him in the beach with a stunning sunset in the background. In the caption, he writes, “33 years ago today I found recovery and a tribe that has sustained me on my incredible, grateful journey. My life is full of love, family, God, opportunity, friends, work, dogs, and fun.”
But Lowe’s post isn’t just about celebrating his own sobriety journey. He also shares a message of encouragement to those who are currently battling addiction. “If you or someone you know is struggling with any form of addiction, hope and joy are waiting if you want it, and are willing to work for it!” he writes.
Lowe’s son, John Owen Lowe, also expressed his support for his father’s recovery in the comments section of the post. John Owen, who stars alongside his dad in the Netflix series Unstable, credits his father as being a major reason why he too is sober.
“On the most personal level possible, when I was struggling with addiction, he was always there for me,” John Owen said. “I credit that with being one, if not the main, reason that I’m sober and living a healthy lifestyle.”
Rob Lowe’s message of hope and his son’s testament to his support serve as reminders that recovery is possible, and that there is always a community of support available to those who are willing to seek it out.
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