Simone Biles took the stand at the Senate hearing involving the case of Larry Nassar on Wednesday. To say that what the Olympian said was admirable would be a massive understatement.

Per CNN, Simone Biles did not hold back her thoughts as she spoke about about being a victim of sexual abuse as well.

“I am also a survivor of sexual abuse. And I believe without a doubt that the circumstances that led to my abuse and allowed it to continue, are directly the result of the fact that the organizations created by Congress to oversee and protect me as an athlete – USA Gymnastics (USAG) and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) – failed to do their jobs.”

Biles made it clear that she doesn't want any other athlete to go through what she and countless others did.

“I don't want another young gymnast, Olympic athlete or any individual to experience the horror that I and hundreds of others have endured before, during and continuing to this day, in the wake — of the Larry Nassar abuse.”

It was super courageous of Simone Biles and she made it known that the blame was to be passed around but is also squarely on Larry Nassar.

“To be clear, I blame Larry Nassar and I also blame an entire system that enabled and perpetrated his abuse. USA gymnastics and the United States Olympic and Paralympic committee knew that I was abused by their official team doctor long before I was ever made aware of their knowledge.”

What Simone Biles did on Wednesday will help countless others and may give them the courage to speak out as well.