David Ayer isn't giving up on his “Ayer Cut” of 2016's Suicide Squad in the wake of Zack Snyder's “Snyder Cut.”

“I'm going to be hopeful”

David Ayer, Fast and the Furious

To be blunt, 2016's Suicide Squad was a disaster. Sure, it made nearly $750 million at the box office, but the film has a 26% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes and a 58% from audiences. It was just the third film in the then-DCEU (now DCU) but still set a bad precedent.

In 2021, James Gunn directed The Suicide Squad, a quasi-follow-up and quasi-reboot of Ayer's film. The film was released during the pandemic and only grossed $168 million, but its 90% score from critics and 82% from audiences was a vast improvement.

Since then and the release of the “Snyder Cut,” aka Zack Snyder's Justice League, Ayer has been hopeful of releasing his own directors' cut. Speaking to Total Film, Ayer remains optimistic.

“I think so,” Ayer told Total Film about his cut being released. “I'm going to be hopeful. You know, there are a lot of people that are invested in certain narratives that don't want it to see the light of day.

“So there’s an immense political headwind against it, because if that cut were made public, the cowardliness and the whole just general shittiness of how the film's been treated, and how the actors have had this great work that they'd done taken away… That narrative blows up once people see the movie. But it's coming. Something's going to happen. Something's going to be revealed. The truth always comes out. It always comes out,” he added.

In the meantime, David Ayer will release The Beekeeper. The new action film stars Jason Statham.