Valheim became the new past-time for many gamers on Steam recently. But for new players, it might be hard to get your bearings in the game. Speaking to the raven Hugin will help, as the raven gives you various survival tips. But these tips can be easy to miss, and also easy to forget. Besides, there are many amazing things you can do to make your Viking experience much better in the game. Here are 5 must-know Valheim tips you need to know before you venture forth into the tenth realm of Yggdrasil.


One of the first things you will be doing in Valheim is gathering resources, wood being one of the most crucial. A lot of the things you need in the early game before you settle in will need wood. Gathering sticks and branches from the ground should suffice at the start so you can make basic tools. However, once you start setting up camp and build a settlement, you will have to brandish your axe and cut down trees. Be wary, though. Trees can fight back.

Avoiding falling timber also shouldn't just be a concern when logging. You have to keep an eye out for falling debris when fighting large enemies. A swing of a troll's club can topple down multiple trees. Unattentive hunters might find themselves being crushed by trees more often than troll clubs. Keep note as well that falling tree trunks can topple other trees as well, causing a domino effect that can take down dozens of trees at once. You can use this information to your advantage, too, so you can harvest wood much faster. Just make sure these logs won't fall into your friends or your settlement.


In other games, equipment degradation can lead to frustrating moments. In Valheim, it's not so bad. When your tools run out of durability, they won't break like they do in other games. Instead, they will stay in your inventory but remain unusable until you repair them. Thankfully, repairing items in Valheim doesn't require any resources, you just have to own the corresponding workbench. For wooden and stone tools, you just need a regular workbench to repair your items. For bronze and iron weapons, they can be repaired on the forge.

This also means that you don't have to keep duplicates of a tool to make sure you have an extra whenever your item breaks. In fact, we don't recommend you keep extras. Get rid of duplicate tools and weapons to make space in your inventory. Remember that you can only carry so much until you get encumbered, so be smart when it comes to inventory management.


Being a survival game, people might think that you need to eat regularly to survive. While that is still true to some degree, you can actually play the game without having to eat. The way eating works in Valheim is such a novel mechanic compared to what we're used to in other survival games. In Valheim, eating food will increase your max health and regenerate your health over time. The better quality of food you eat, the bigger your health bar will be, and the longer the effects will stay. You can eat up to three different kinds of food at a time.

The food you eat will get digested over time. Eventually, the food icon beside your health bar will start blinking. When this happens, it means that the food has already been partially digested. During this time, the health bonus the food gives decreases. You can wait for the food to be fully digested, but you can also eat the same food again to refresh its timer.

Food is essential in the game when you're exploring, as having a tougher character means you'll get to explore more. But note that a large health bar won't be enough to vanquish enemies. You will also need good armor and weapons to make sure you have a fighting chance against the bosses in the game.


Others might not realize this, especially if they've been playing in the same server since Day 1. But the character you make retains its progress and inventory regardless of which server you take them. This means starting over with a new server isn't really starting from scratch. If you have an experienced Viking, you can take it to other servers and help beginners build up their camps with ease. You can also exploit this mechanic when gathering resources. When one server you play in has abundant sources of silver, for example, you can focus on mining there and then taking the silver ore with you to a different server where silver is much rarer.

You can also make different characters with different roles. Focus on mining with one character, and then train a different one for fighting. You can then switch between characters on the same server depending on what type of experience you're looking for that day.


Later on in the game, you'd notice that the world is actually much more vast than you initially expected. Beyond the borders of your initial island, you can head to farther places with different ships. Simple rafts become available early on in the game, but they can only get you so far. To truly live the life of a Viking, you'd need a formidable longboat.

Longboats allow groups to ride the seas with ease, using their sails to traverse the waters much quicker than any raft would. These longboats also have storage rooms, allowing you and your party to carry lots of plunder back home from where your raiding party came from. But most importantly, longboats are strong enough to withstand attacks of the various sea monsters that you and your party might come across while exploring. Viking longboats are sturdy enough to take several hits from sea serpents, allowing your team enough time to fight back and vanquish the sea monster, or enough time for your team to turn tail and run.


Valheim quickly got the attention of a lot of gamers, and that's because it's a great game to play with friends. Each server can accommodate up to ten concurrent players, and you can set up a dedicated server that can run 24/7. There are mods that can remove the ten-player cap, even. In fact, there are many mods out there that can make the Valheim Viking experience much richer. With a vibrant community of dedicated creators, the game will only benefit as more content gets added both by the developers and the modding community. Be sure to check out the latest among these regularly and see what you can add to your server to introduce a little bit more spice into your game. But most importantly, enjoy the game the way you want to!