To say that Klay Thompson has been struggling to start the season for the Golden State Warriors would be an understatement. So much so, that his slow start has prompted a fiery message from the five-time All-Star himself, as Thompson called out his naysayers for doubting his ability to come out of his recent slump.

On the contrary, Jordan Poole is coming off one of his best games as a Warrior, exploding for a season-high 36 points in a 37-point blowout win against San Antonio Spurs. At this point, it isn't surprising that there have been calls for the Dubs to have Poole replace Klay in the starting lineup.

Our friends over from Bleacher Report posted this exact same question on Twitter, and unsurprisingly, it drew more than a few reactions from the fans. It turned out to be a very polarizing subject with supporters providing strong arguments for both sides of the fence.

More than a few fans brought out the pitchforks against Klay Thompson as they stated that this man is already past his prime:

Others, however, were not too quick on the trigger. A lot of fans still believe that Poole's shortcomings are what hold him back from becoming a starter, and that he's still more valuable for the Warriors coming off the bench:

You know that there just had to be a comment about Poole going full Stephen Curry that one time he saw some baddies sitting courtside:

Whichever side you may be sitting on, what cannot be denied is that this is a debate that will rage on throughout the season — especially if both players keep on playing as they have of late.