The ESPYs are always an exciting time to see so many world-class athletes in a red-carpet setting. Getting a chance to see countless superstars in their sports take off the game jerseys, put on nice clothes, and let down their guard makes for an exciting evening. This year's ESPYs are hosted by Steph Curry who has unsurprisingly seemed comfortable on the massive stage. Curry has let loose some jokes right from the start and gave a funny remark about another active legend early on in the show.

The Tom Brady retirement tour has been an entertaining storyline this offseason. The seven-time Super Bowl champion seemingly cannot get enough football as Curry alluded to. Following his 22nd season in the NFL, Brady announced he would be taking a step back and moving on to new things.

This retirement lasted all of 40 days and Tom Brady is set to return to the Buccaneers again next season. Steph Curry brought up an excellent point about Brady's continued desire to take the field. Despite seemingly having as perfect of a home life as a person can hope for, the 44-year-old is not ready to settle down just yet. The surefire Hall-of-Famer has not accomplished everything he has hoped just yet and is still playing at an elite level. While many can't imagine what else he could still be hoping to accomplish on a football field

Expect Tom Brady to continue to build off the impressive legacy this year. For now, hopefully, he is at home on the couch laughing at Curry's jokes just like the rest of us.