When Chris Jericho decided to enter a Twitter flame war with wrestling lawyer Steven P New over AEW's usage of NDAs after the Brawl Out, an interaction made all the more bizarre because it was spurned on by a post from “The Ocho's” own website, it surved as an unexpected Christmas present for fans across the online wrestling community.

Some sided with Jericho, others with CM Punk by proxy, and others still just laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation, as who knows why the former AEW Champion would send out such a tweet at 4 am EST on Christmas morning. Factor in a response from Jim Cornette, who used some not-so-friendly language regarding Jericho and a part of his boss Tony Khan's body, and the situation felt like a fever dream for fans simply wanting to enjoy a day of friends, family, and the Major Wrestling Figure Podcast‘s Christmas show.

Discussing the incident on a special holiday edition of his podcast, Cornette provided fans with context on how he learned about the incident before trying to understand the reasoning behind it.

“Can I explain how I was first alerted to this and where I came in? It had already gotten started… it's Christmas morning and, you know, since I'm a senior citizen now and I keep regular hours and I'm healthy because I'm away from the wrestling business, I don't sleep as late as I used to. I get up fairly early in the morning, so instead of waking up Harley Quinn and Stacy from their peaceful slumbers, I thought I would come up to the office and I'd look and see what was going on. I know that you're a beast, your a maniac, you never rest, you never stop working, you're going to tweet some clips and tweet the tweets for the shows and I was going to retweet them, things like that, maybe wish somebody a Merry Christmas, which we actually did later on from the castle here. And in proper times also we tweeted people Merry Christmas in the broad daylight, not under the cover of darkness in the middle of the night like some people do,” Jim Cornette explained.

“But anyway, so the first thing I see when I turn this on is we are both, you and I, even though you're blissfully slumbering at that point, we're being inundated with retweets of various people sayind various versions of, ‘What the f**k is wrong with this f**king guy?' And, ‘Look what he's done,' and it's f**king  Jericho at 4:20 something AM on Christmas morning, decided to pick that time to tweet, not even in response to someone tweeting to him, not even in godd**n response to anything he's involved with, he just decided to slander and name call and cuss out our friend Stephen P New but also now to bring Ace Steel's wife Lucy into the whole thing and called her disgusting, grouped her in with disgusting people.”

Alright, so that's how Cornette came to understand the situation, but why did he think it happened? Well, the former wrestling manager weighed in on that, too, and his guess is certainly interesting.

Jim Cornette attempts to understand Chris Jericho's motives.

After further breaking down the situation for 25 minutes – literally – Jim Cornette finally got down to the meat and potatoes of the deal and tried to understand why Chris Jericho would shoot off such a wild tweet.

Though he heavily implied that the tweet was probably fueled by some late night boozing, he also suggested that it could be “The Ocho's” attempt to get back in TK's good graces after falling down the card a bit in 2023.

Nevertheless, so that's what happened: Stephen P New made a factual statement that the only person involved in the incident, present, in the room that's not under an NDA is Lucy and Jericho's website reports that, and he loses his mind on Christmas morning and starts lying and cussing people out and calling Lucy disgusting because now apparently her presence with a pulse in the room at the time, that's the only thing anybody said that she did… so anyway, what the f**k is going on with this fellow? Besides, tell me what other motive there would be besides to make sure that Tony knows, “Oh, I'm your guy, I'm your guy. You signed me for 10 years, I'm gonna be here until I'm 62,'” Jim Cornette noted.

“The barely suppressed grin when he said, ‘Kenny, out as long as you need, Kenny, we'll be here for you. Just don't rush back.' Got him out of the way. The Bucks are hiding… The point is, everybody's out of the way, so Jericho is making the big run to be Tony's guy and Danielson is one other major injury away from who knows what, so Jericho, again, is trying to cement, ‘Hey Tony, it's Christmas but I'm cussing random articles that say bad things about you kind of.'”

Alright, did Jericho actually make himself look like a fool in order to get on TK's good side? No, probably not, but is it more believable that he saw the promotion being slandered and wanted to defend his wrestling home? That feels far more likely, even if it's a less fun story.