At Summerslam 2005, Rey Mysterio officially won custody of his eldest child Dominik in a ladder match with his long-time friend and occasional rival Eddie Guerrero, ensuring that while he may not be the biological father of the young boy – you know, in a Kayfabe sense – he would raise him like one and shepherd him along his journey into adulthood.

Fast forward almost 20 years, and Mysterio is a three-time WWE/NXT champion, a member of a top faction in Judgment Day, and a married man, even if he reportedly still has the same palate as that small, bleached-blonde boy from SummerSlam.

Discussing what he sees of Gurrero in his son as part of an interview with Bleacher Report, Rey Mysterio celebrated the bits of his fallen friend in his son, questioning if maybe he really was Eddie's son after all.

“I see a lot of bits and pieces [of Eddie in Dominik], even if it's sudden movements that he does or pictures that I see,” Mysterio told Bleacher Report. “I'll compare him to a picture that I have of Eddie and go, ‘Wow.' I tell my wife, ‘Did you really cheat on me with Eddie?' and say, ‘Look at him there and look at him here.' She always says to me, ‘Yeah, I did, and I didn't tell you.' No, I always enjoy seeing that because Eddie represents so much, not only to me but my entire family and to Dominik.”

“The frog splash, when he did it for the first time at Survivor Series 2019 when I faced Brock. That was the first time he did a frog splash. I remember when he was asked, ‘Hey, can you do the frog splash?' ‘Yeah, yeah, I can.' Afterward, I asked him, ‘Have you done it before?' He goes, ‘No.' Things like that and to see his growth now and how he does it nowadays, I truly enjoy it and I have a lot to thank Eddie for.”

When Dominik began using the the Frog Splash as his new finisher in 2019, it was clearly a tribute to Guerrero, but ever since, he truly has become more and more like his father family friend, with the 27-year-old now rocking the same mullet and some similar gear to Eddie whenever appropriate. Even though the younger Mysterio was still in elementary school when Guerrero passed, it's clear he wants to do his part to keep the legendary Luchador's legacy alive in whatever little way he can.

Rey Mysterio reveals how the rest of his family feels about Dominik.

Elsewhere in his interview with Bleacher Report, Rey Mysterio further commented on his relationship with Dominik Mysterio, noting that after helping to get his career going in WWE, he's proud to see him forge his own path as a heel under the tutelage of other in-ring performers.

“I helped my son to a certain degree, obviously because he's my son, and I gave him his introduction into wrestling, and the comparisons were made. I think the only thing I helped him with was his first match, where I was right there in his corner and becoming the first father-son tag team champions. After that, everything he's done has been on his own, and has gotten advice from people that aren't his father,” Rey Mysterio noted.

“To me, as a father, that makes me feel a large amount of pride because he's carving his own path now. He's not in my footsteps, he's doing his own thing. I've never been a heel my whole career. Probably the only time that was kind of heelish was Filthy Animals. Overall, he's done his own thing. I can't give him any advice on how to be a heel, so he's done that on his own, and he's figured that out on his own, which makes me feel very proud.”

Mysterio noted that while his daughter is proud of her brother, she gets tired of him living his gimmick around the house and is quick to call him on his stuff when he's acting out of turn.

“She still says he's still a d-bag, and he's always been that way,” Mysterio noted. “Sometimes she'll say, ‘Dom takes his role too seriously. He thinks the same character that he's on TV he has to be at home. I'm just going to slap him.' You do what you got to do. Dom has always been that way around the house. Always spontaneous with his remarks, very gritty, but overall, he gets a lot of that from my wife because my wife is like that as well.”

Welp, there you go, folks; even the Mysterio family is getting tired of “Dirty” Dom's behavior and it's only a matter of time before we have another Custody of Dominik Ladder match, only this time it will be between Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan, with the rest of the family throwing their hands up and giving up any hold they have on the 27-year-old married man. And in the end, no one will be more proud than his two fathers, Rey and Eddie.