After months of injuries, setbacks, false starts, and near-misses, Liv Morgan was finally afforded a chance to test her mettle once more with a title on the line at King and Queen of the Ring in Saudi Arabia, throwing down against Becky Lynch in Saudi Arabia with the Women's World Championship on the line.

That's right, after suffering through a shoulder injury that required surgery, a near-miss at the 2024 Royal Rumble, and a snub at WrestleMania 40 that could have taken place in front of her friends and family mere miles away from her hometown of Morristown, New Jersey, Morgan was finally in a ring and ready to rock against “The Man,” who only earned the title because Rhea Ripley had to vacate her belt.

Taking the ring in the opening contest of King and Queen of the Ring, Lynch took the upper hand early on, proving why she remains one of the best wrestlers in the game today and a performer worthy of a massive new contract, but the match took a notable turn when Dominik Mysterio, Mami's number one boy, decided to interject himself into the match, providing “Big Time Becks” with a chair and distracting the referee in the hope that the champion would use his provided weapon to secure the win but alas, it wasn't meant to be; Lynch refused the chair but Morgan happily accepted it, hitting ObLivion on the spot while driving “The Man's” face right onto the steel.

And just like that, the match was done, Lynch's reign came to an end, and Morgan came one step closer to becoming a Grand Slam Champion with just the NXT Women's Championship needed to secure that ultimate prize.

What does this mean for Morgan, for Lynch, and for the rest of Judgment Day? Well, for one thing, Lynch has already stated that she'll be using her rematch clause on RAW to secure another shot at the belt, hopefully with Mysterio barred from ringside but on a grander scale, one has to wonder if “Dirty Dom” has left one Mami behind for another and is looking to link up with Morgan moving forward in a move that would all but certainly change, if not outright end Judgment Day on the spot.

Liv Morgan reveals why she opted for surgery last year.

Speaking of surgery, before Rhea Ripley was placed on the shelf indefinitely, Liv Morgan had to make a major decision about her future last year after suffering a dislocated shoulder versus the “Eradicator.” While Morgan could have opted against going under the knife, she told Chris Van Vliet on Insight that she decided to have it done even if it left her unable to wrestle for months, as it was better to do the preventative care instead of having to wrestle with a ticking time bomb on her shoulder indefinitely.

“I had a very pretty serious injury that we kind of even haven't really disclosed the details of. So basically, I dislocated my shoulder in a match with Ripley. And I went and got an MRI, the MRI showed a labral tear. I don't know if you guys know anything about MRIs, but they're only 60% accurate. I did not know that,” Liv Morgan explained via TJR.

“And so pretty much they're like, hi, we recommend getting surgery because of the dislocation. So you're gonna dislocate it again, whether it's in five years, whether it's WrestleMania next year, you're going to have another dislocation. And so I sat around with it, because I really, I really didn't want to miss time, obviously, but I also didn't want to have this injury again.

“So I opted for the surgery, but luckily I did because like I said, MRIs are only 60% accurate. So when my surgeon opened up my little shoulder, he was like well, bicep tear, rotator cuff tear, labrum tear. And so I had all these extra tears and rips in my shoulder that we wouldn't have known about had I not gotten the surgery. So if I chose to just rehab I wouldn't have healed properly and we wouldn't have known why. And so I got the surgery. But I honestly forgot I've had the surgery. I feel normal. I feel great in the ring. I only remember when I see my suture marks. So it was it was pretty crazy.”

So when you put things into perspective, it makes way more sense why Morgan came back so fired up to get back what she felt was hers, as she did have multiple months of her career taken away and had to go under the knife because of Ripley's actions. Fortunately, at King and Queen of the Ring, Morgan remedied that ever so much, and will have a chance to further right those ro