XDefiant, Ubisoft's online multiplayer first-person shooter, is now available to players across the globe.

XDefiant: Closed Beta Availability

Previously launched on April 13, the closed beta is now open to all players. It's set to run through April 23. The free-to-play game promises to cater to both casual and competitive players. It will offer a blend of elements from various Ubisoft franchises.

XDefiant: Everything We Know So Far

XDefiant allows players to form six-member teams and battle against each other in a vibrant, fast-paced environment. Players can choose their characters from four factions. They include the Libertad from Far Cry 6, Phantoms from Ghost Recon, Echelon from Splinter Cell, and Cleaners from The Division. Ubisoft has plans to expand the roster of factions in the near future, ensuring a continuously evolving gameplay experience.

Upon spawning in-game, players select a faction. This determines their passive and active abilities as well as the range of weapons available to them. The game is divided into two categories: Arena and Linear. Arena offers a simpler, point-based gameplay where the team with the most points at the end of the round wins. Players earn points by taking down opponents. For players seeking tactical gameplay, Linear matches feature an offensive and defensive side, reminiscent of popular titles like Counter-Strike or Valorant.

XDefiant: Launch Content

XDefiant will launch with 14 maps, surpassing the offerings of competitors like Call of Duty. The maps will host a variety of game modes, such as Occupy, Escort and Hot Shot, and Zone Control. Ubisoft has confirmed that Ranked Matchmaking will be available at launch, with players having the option to choose from 24 weapons and 44 possible attachments.

Each season in XDefiant will last three months. Each new season brings fresh content like new maps, factions, weapons, cosmetics, events, characters, and battle pass rewards. Additional content will come with every additional season as the game wears on. There's no word on how many seasons will ultimately be released.