Ubisoft's online shooter XDefiant has released its first major update, addressing a range of issues and reintroducing the Practice Zone game mode. This update marks a significant milestone for the game, which has faced multiple delays before becoming a popular free-to-play title praised for its unique features.

The new update brings a series of improvements designed to enhance the overall gameplay experience. Notably, the netcode has been improved to resolve hit registration issues, a common concern among players. This enhancement ensures that the health bar displays accurate damage representation, a crucial aspect of maintaining game balance and player satisfaction.

XDefiant Update 1 Key Fixes And Reintroduction Of Practice Zone

Another critical fix in this update addresses device deployment issues. Previously, players encountered problems with devices not deploying correctly after the death animation. This issue has now been resolved, ensuring that devices function as intended and contribute to a smoother gameplay experience.

The Practice Zone game mode has been re-enabled with this update. This mode, which had been previously disabled due to spawning issues, allows players to hone their skills in a controlled environment. However, players are advised to proceed with caution as some minor issues may still persist. The update specifically fixes the problem where players would spawn outside the world in the Practice Zone, but Ubisoft acknowledges that not all related bugs may have been entirely resolved.

XDefiant, inspired by the Tom Clancy universe, has garnered attention for its exclusion of skill-based matchmaking and simplified weapon customization. These features have been praised by notable streamers, including Nickmercs, who have highlighted the game's fresh approach to online shooters. Despite its initial delays, XDefiant has quickly become a hit for Ubisoft, drawing in a dedicated player base.

Upcoming Season 1 Launch And Future Updates

As XDefiant gears up for its Season 1 launch, currently in the preseason phase, players have the opportunity to unlock various factions by earning experience points (XP). One of the highlighted factions available for unlocking is DedSec from the Watch Dogs series. This integration of different Ubisoft franchises adds a layer of depth and variety to the game, keeping players engaged and motivated to progress.

Ubisoft has also hinted at more updates and announcements during upcoming events such as Ubisoft Forward and the Summer Games Fest. These events are expected to provide further insights into the future of XDefiant, including new content, features, and potential collaborations with other franchises.

XDefiant Preseason 1 Update Full List Of Patch Notes

The update brings a host of improvements and fixes that aim to enhance the overall player experience. Below is a comprehensive list of the patch notes detailing the specific changes made in XDefiant update 1:

Game Modes 

  • Sometimes players loading into the Practice Zone would spawn outside the world, in a hellscape, and now they (probably) will not.


  • Fixed an issue where if the player died during the device deployment animation, their next deployed device would drop at their feet rather than be thrown as intended.


  • That issue where you'd get hitmarkers on an enemy as they killed you, but their health bar still appeared full to you? The health bar display was wrong – you did damage them. Should be fixed now.


  • Fixed an issue where end-of-match UI text would display with the wrong orientation in Arabic.


  • We've turned the Practice Zone back on but it's possible weird things could still happen.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing low framerates with some AMD GPUs.

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