Humankind, the upcoming 4X (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate) game from Amplitude Studios had players everywhere excited for a brand new game in the same vein as Sid Meier's Civilization franchise. Amplitude initially planned to release the game on April 22 on Steam and the Epic Games Store but that ship has now sailed. The game developers saw fit to take more time to try and polish some of the game's rougher points. The delay is a result of community feedback from players that got to try the game early.


Amplitude has ample experience with games in the same genre. The studio developed two 4X games in 2012 and 2014 based on the Endless science fiction setting. Additionally, Romain de Waubert de Genlis, Amplitude's studio head, clarified the details surrounding the Humankind delay.

“It's been exciting to see the community get their hands on the game during the last few OpenDev sessions and to hear all the positive (and constructive!) feedback. Players have always been at the heart of Amplitude's philosophy and releasing Humankind in August will allow us the extra time to keep working with the community and polishing the game for an amazing day one experience.”

The studio obviously prioritizes its players whenever they develop games, no matter the setting. Naturally, it must have been a very difficult decision to delay an upcoming game by three months. It becomes increasingly challenging considering the fact that many players now look forward to Mankind. However, a delayed game will always be better than a rushed and incomplete title. The burden now falls on Amplitude to deliver on all its promises. Additionally, players now expect a new level of polish due to the delay. Hopefully, Amplitude Studios lives up to all the expectations it set.

Now, Humankind officially launches on August 17, 2021, on Steam, the Epic Games Store, and Google Stadia. Humankind will be available on PC and the Google Stadia.