Following the release of Genshin Impact 2.4 comes a boss duo that’s more fearsome and challenging than anything players have faced so far. They are agile, fierce, and have the ability to drain large amounts of energy and health, especially if one is not careful when fighting the boss. This article will guide you to defeating the Bathysmal Vishap by learning their tricks and crafting the ideal team composition.

Where to Find the Bathysmal Vishap (Possible Spoilers!)

Accessing the boss arena takes quite a bit of time since you’re tackling the final boss of Enkanomiya’s main questline. This is especially relevant when one has not yet completed Watatsumi’s own main questline, since that is a prerequisite for the Vishap quest. Enkanomiya’s quest, called “The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent”, requires the player to find three fragments scattered around the region’s sporadic isles, solving numerous puzzles and fighting foes along the way. After the three fragments have been collected, the player will be able to finish the quest and unlock the arena of the boss duo. 

The boss drops the ascension material required for Shenhe. Players will have to defeat this boss multiple times in order to ascend Shenhe and witness her true potential.

Boss Preparation and Best Team Composition

This world boss is probably the hardest one so far, due to its sheer speed and damage, and its annoying mechanics. Going in blind is a whole challenge on its own, and can surely take down a couple of your well-built characters. Its main mechanic is the ability to inflict a special debuff which drains a huge amount of energy from your active character, and will instead drain health when energy is low.

Because of this, unoptimized teams that rely on Elemental Bursts will have a hard time fighting this boss. Avoiding the Vishaps’ attacks is paramount unless you can deal huge amounts of burst damage to take them out quickly. High DPS characters who don’t rely on Elemental Bursts also excel in this fight, since they can keep fighting even when their Energy is low,

One of the best characters in this fight is Hu Tao. Her damage is insanely high, but what makes her great is her characteristic of not needing energy to deal damage. She is also naturally tanky thanks to her HP scaling, and also because the bosses are not resistant to Pyro damage. Yoimiya and Klee are also good picks, but players might need to be careful and not take too many hits. If you incorrectly built your Diluc with ATK or Phys DMG Artifacts, then this could be his time to shine, too, but he won't be the best pick.

If you still have a hard time beating this boss, using consumables like Food, Potions, and Oils help a lot, especially since they bulk up your character by a large margin. Farming this boss is only necessary if you want to obtain its ascension materials, so it’s a good idea to spend your resources especially food, and make your runs a whole lot easier. 

How to Beat the Bathysmal Vishap Herd

The Bathysmal Vishap Herd consists of two extra-large Bathysmal Vishaps, who can coordinate their attacks to overwhelm the player. One Vishap is of the Cryo element, while the other is Electro. Each one has their own individual HP, and taking down one of them first will bring them to their assist state, making it leave the field and assist the remaining Vishap instead.

Since the two bosses are more fearsome when together, bursting one down is of utmost importance. It is ideal to bring down the Electro Vishap first since it has the ability to perch on a wall and assist the Cryo Vishap. Without a claymore, Geo damage, or Klee, it will be quite difficult to break the wall the Electro Vishap is climbing on, making the fight a lot harder than it should be. If you manage to get hit by both of their attacks at the same time, they will inflict the Superconduct reaction, which will only increase the damage you take, so be careful.

Both bosses have a couple of similar attacks, but deal damage with their own elemental type. These are:

Elemental Orb: The Vishap launches a homing orb towards the player, dealing damage and draining 30 Energy. If the character has not enough energy to be drained, the attack will deal massive HP damage instead. 

Ground Spikes: The Vishap plants its tail into the ground, and periodically creates elemental spikes around it.

Sweep Attack: The Vishap spins to deal a sweeping attack, dealing damage with its respective element.

Each boss has its own unique attack, which players need to be wary of. The Cryo Vishap is able to do a string of melee attacks, which it may do when the player is within melee range of the boss. The Electro Vishap can also shoot orbs from its tail, which can home towards the player.

After defeating one of the Vishaps, the boss duo will regroup at the middle of the arena, and perform a double beam attack which sweeps the whole arena in a revolving fashion. The defeated boss will then go into an assist state, helping the remaining Vishap with different kinds of attacks. By then, it’s only a matter of defeating the remaining Vishap, which is a lot easier than fighting two.

The Bathysmal Vishap Herd is quite the challenging boss, even for veteran players. Avoiding their attacks is paramount, though it’s also easier said than done. If you’re still struggling when fighting this boss, consider investing a bit more in your DPS characters, since this is mostly a DPS check, rather than a skill check on boss mechanics. However, being skilled in avoiding attacks will definitely help, and is a better platform for skill expression than the other bosses in the game.

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