It looks like Damian Lillard's meeting with Portland Trail Blazers general manager Joe Cronin went well. In fact the Portland exec even released a statement where he basically implied that they're not trading Lillard.

“I met with Dame and Aaron Goodwin this afternoon. We had a great dialogue. We remain committed to building a winner around Dame,” Cronin said, via Sean Highkin of the Rose Garden Report.

Damian Lillard sparked a lot of concerns on Monday when it was revealed that he and his agent Aaron Goodwin asked for a meeting with the Blazers' top brass to discuss the future of the franchise. Portland has constantly insisted that they are focused on building a contender around Dame, but with the team opting to use the third pick in the 2023 NBA Draft to select Scoot Henderson, there have been doubts about the direction they are taking.

As Lillard has hinted in the past and in recent days–or at least that what's the media has been reporting–he wants to play for a contender as he enters the last few years of his prime.

Chris Haynes further fueled the fears of Blazers fans that Lillard could ask for a trade when he said that “it's pretty serious” considering that the superstar guard was bringing his agent to the meeting.

“He's gonna go in there with the mindset that he's been patient all these years, and he wants to play on a team that has a chance (to win a championship),” Haynes said on Monday afternoon before Dame's meeting with the Blazers.

“… Dame is trying to give the organization time to come up with something. That's all Dame is asking for — come up with something. He doesn't want to go younger. He wants to get older. He wants to get older with proven veteran players. He wants to win now.”

The specifics of Lillard's meeting with the team have yet to be revealed, but the fact that Joe Cronin said they are “committed to building a winner” around him suggests that they made a promise to do something about their roster in free agency. The Blazers have the option of going on a full rebuild by trading Dame, but it's clearly something they are not considering … at least not at this moment.