Baseball weirdness was afoot in the Toronto Blue Jays' 6-4 win over the Oakland Athletics. Yusei Kikuchi accidentally interfered on a play in the field that cost his team an out.

In the top of the 10th inning, Davis Schneider hit a pop fly down the first-base line that instantly hooked foul. A's first baseman Tyler Soderstrom pursued the ball as the Jays in the dugout tried to get away from it. Kikuchi, not looking where he was going, ended up colliding with Soderstrom. The ball landed right next to them as they each hit the deck. Schneider was ruled out on the play due to obstruction.

The Athletics are the only MLB team with dugouts that don’t have railings and their amount of foul territory is much bigger than the rest of the majors. They are also one of just two teams (along with the Tampa Bay Rays) to have their bullpens on the field in foul territory, so this type of collision could happen elsewhere on the field, too. An ownership group that cared about the team might have fixed that but the A's had no such luck.

Without those railings in place, Kikuchi wasn’t sure where to go. The result was a play that we aren’t likely to ever see again. Kikuchi immediately apologized to Soderstrom and felt a wave of regret after knocking him down, according to Sonja Chen of

“I forgot that there's no fence,” Yusei Kikuchi said through interpreter Yusuke Oshima, via “After, I just wanted to create a little hole and hide inside it, because I was a little embarrassed.”

Soderstrom recalled trying to make the catch — he probably would have in a normal circumstance — and then ramming into the Blue Jays pitcher, according to Ben Ross of the Associated Press. A’s manager Mark Kotsay knew that he didn’t have any bad intentions in the play.

“I think he was just trying to really get out of the way, so he didn’t get hit with the foul ball, and inadvertently kind of laid his shoulder into Tyler,” Kotsay said, via the Associated Press. “Thankful that Tyler wasn’t hurt on the play. The umpires got together and got the call right.”

Kikuchi's gaffe could have been much worse in a lot of different ways. Fortunately, no one took a nasty spill or was struck by the ball. He also didn’t cost the Blue Jays the game, as a three-run double by Isiah Kiner-Falefa tacked three runs on the board in extra innings. Oakland could only manage one, giving Toronto its second win of the three-game series. The Jays have to keep winning if they want to avoid falling out of playoff contention and entertaining the realistic option of blowing up the roster.