The NBA's 2016 rookie class participated in the league's NBPA Rookie Transition Program at the new NBPA headquarters in New York.

The sessions consisted of many talks with executives such as Michele Roberts and Chris Paul.

There were also others to offer advice and wisdom about what to expect including Isiah Thomas, Stephen A. Smith and Roger Mason.

They were present to provide support for the players and give them the full picture of why they were a part of the union.

NBPA’s Director of Player Programs Purvis Short explained it in summary.

They had departmental discussions where each of our union departments — whether that was finance, whether that was digital, whether that was legal — had to discuss with the players what they do, how they do it and what their role is within the union

The rookies also got a chance to tour the facilities which included a weight room, a full basketball court, and a hydroworks area that includes ice tubs, hot tubs and an underwater treadmill.

Anytime those players are in New York, those amenities are available and accessible to them at any time.