Chris Webber is a former NBA All-Star and one of the best players to ever put on a Sacramento Kings uniform. He has now evolved into a TV analyst and was covering Game 2 of the ThunderSpurs Western Conference Semifinals. During the crucial last play of Game 2 when Dion Waiters pushed Manu Ginobili to have a better chance at getting the ball inbounds, Webber was irrate.

He was mad that the refs missed such a simple call when he was standing right there in front of the play. Here's a look at what Webber said during a replay of the non-call:

Who better to understand the pain of a missed call in the NBA Playoffs than Webber himself. Game 6 of the 2002 NBA Western Conference Finals there was a major incident that could have forever altered the fate of the 2001-2002 Sacramento Kings.

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So we can all understand why Chris Webber was so mad.