The various CGI cameos seen during 2023's The Flash have been the subject of much criticism since the film's release, whether it was for the quality of the effects or questions about the ethics of using CGI as a tool to recreate deceased actors. Neither seemed to be an issue for the family of the late Christopher Reeve, though, who admitted they had not seen the speedster's solo film.

Reeve's family was on hand at the Sundance Film Festival to talk about the documentary Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story, which chronicled the actor's life from his peak as Superman to his near-fatal horse-riding accident. The conversation eventually shifted to Reeve's CGI cameo in The Flash as Superman, something the family said they didn't see or have any involvement in according to Variety.

Reeve's son, George Reeve, added that while his father was proud of his time as Superman, it wasn't the film he held up as his best work. That title, George said, would have gone to his 1993 film Remains of the Day, where Reeve played Congressman Jack Lewis opposite Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson.

Nicholas Cage as Superman with the word 'AI' coming out of his mouth.

Alongside Reeve, the other CGI cameos seen in The Flash included Adam West's Batman, George Reeves' Superman, Helen Slater's Supergirl, and Nicolas Cage's Superman from the canned Tim Burton film Superman Lives.

The extensive use of CGI for The Flash's cameos raised multiple questions, most notably the ethics of “resurrecting” actors in such a manner for the sake of a film or TV appearance. GQ's Jack King was among many who had harsh words about this latest “trend” from Hollywood studios.

“Reeve’s appearance represents the next step in the normalization of a queasy, questionable trend in Hollywood, one in which actors are brought back from the grave using new computer techniques,” King wrote in June 2023.