Members of the Delta Iota chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. have started endowments at Grambling State University. During homecoming last fall, members from the 1999 and 2004 lines of the sorority announced that they each started an endowment of $10,000 at the university. To celebrate their 20th and 25th anniversaries of joining Delta Sigma Theta, they decided to create scholarships to help current and future Grambling State students.

“It was our 25th anniversary that year of joining the sorority, and this was something that we had talked more and more about as the anniversary year approached,” said Victoria Washington, a Delta Iota’s 1999 line member. “Service, scholarships, sisterhood, and making a social impact are the core beliefs of Delta Sigma Theta, and so we wanted to see how we can make an impact on the university where we all met. And so that’s how we initially came up with the idea of doing this.”

Dr. Dayma Harper spoke on the importance of giving back to the university. Students who exhibit academic success, leadership potential, and a dedication to community service will receive funding from the endowments. Dr. Harper is a 2006 graduate of Grambling State and a member of the 2004 pledge class.

“This endowment is a tribute to Delta Iota’s legacy of leadership, academic excellence, and community service,” she said.

In order to be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must be an African American female in their sophomore, junior, or senior year of study who demonstrate financial need with a minimum GPA of 3.04 on a 4.0 scale. At least one student will be supported each year by the scholarships, with the goal of increasing aid as the fund increases. As a testament to their shared commitment, almost all of the 1999 line members made contributions to its scholarship fund. Stephanie Usher, a member of the 2005 pledge class, expressed the importance of sisterhood in their efforts of giving back.

“Together, we’re stronger, and our impact reaches beyond ourselves,” she said. “We are forever bound by the call to give back.”

Yesterday, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. celebrated its 112th Founders Day. The sorority was founded on January 13, 19123, on the campus of Howard University by 22 collegiate women. The endowments at Grambling State exhibits the key principles of the sorority, which are sisterhood, scholarship, and public service.