Silly Bioware. While many are hoping you can save a franchise with Mass Effect 5, you first need to regain our trust with a great Dragon Age 4 game. Yes, while the Mass Effect Legendary Edition will come out first, in terms of true and new games, it will be the fantasy medieval game that gets first crack at saving souls, not whatever is happening in space. We'll also get to the Dragon Age 4 release date, but don't hold your breath.

That's the key point here. Unless things go incredibly sideways — and they certainly can because Bioware — those who used to love everything the company did will get their hands on Dragon Age 4 first. Mass Effect 5 is, after all, several years down the road.

The latter won't matter if the former is an absolute dumpster fire. It also helps, while not perfect, the third Dragon Age game (the most recent, Inquisition), wasn't nearly the same trash as was Mass Effect's last installment with Andromeda.

It has better legs to stand on. Inquisition had its falls for sure. There were areas of the map you can spend hours upon hours mucking around in, not realizing you were mean to push forward to progress the game. Also, unlike the original Mass Effect trilogy, there isn't a singular protagonist sprawled across the Dragon Age universe, which can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it.

Dragon Age 4 Release Date

And here's where things get sad. Despite there already being a Dragon Age 4 “trailer” of sorts, it features zero gameplay and is unlikely anything like what we'll see in the finished product. There's also no firm Dragon Age 4 release date.

Given how little trust people have for Bioware, it's safe to say this is a situation where most won't believe how good (or bad) this outing from the developer will be until they see it.

Nonetheless, there's no need to word vomit all over this post to make a point that's relatively obvious.

As someone who actually enjoys the Mass Effect universe more, and is looking more forward to Mass Effect 5 (and the Mass Effect Legendary Edition) over pretty much everything else, so much of what happens next for Bioware rests at the feet of Dragon Age 4.

If it's trash, even I as a staunch Mass Effect truther, will begin to doubt if we'll ever see the developer, as well as its key franchises, return to proper form. Might as well just drop a massive sad face emoji here.