ESPN anchor Sage Steele is in hot water right now for some questionable comments. She recently appeared on former NFL quarterback Jay Cutler’s podcast and let her opinions be loudly heard in a variety of different ways.

Example: calling ESPN’s vaccine mandate “sick”, saying up and coming women in the journalism that they “know what they’re doing when they dress like that”, and worst of all, slamming Obama for identifying as an African-American even though his “white mother and grandmother brought him up”, while his black father was nowhere to be found.

By no surprise, Steele has faced a lot of backlash for her remarks and as a result, ESPN has taken her off the air. But, that’s due to her recent positive COVID-19 test although you’d have to believe it’s for Steele’s comments as well. She has since apologized for all the nasty things she said. Via John Ourand of The Sports Business Journal:

“I know my recent comments created controversy for the company, and I apologize. We are in the midst of an extremely challenging time that impacts all of us, and it’s more critical than ever that we communicate constructively and thoughtfully.

Here are ESPN’s comments on the matter:

“At ESPN, we embrace different points of view – dialogue and discussion makes this place great. That said, we expect that those points of view be expressed respectfully, in a manner consistent with our values, and in line with our internal policies…”

Yikes. Who knows what the next step will be for Sage Steele, but let’s be honest, she probably should’ve kept her strong opinions to herself.