Within the HBCU community, a notable trend has emerged where current and former students are denouncing organizations due to religious beliefs. Recently, a video from four months ago has surfaced featuring a former Spelman student denouncing the institution. Angelise Prince, who attended Spelman from 2012-2016, released a 53-minute video in January entitled “Renouncing Spelman College | Demonic Covenants Made At Spelman College”.

In the video, she reveals her religious beliefs and mentions being divinely instructed to speak out against Spelman College, claiming they formed a pact with a ‘demonic entity.'

“During this time, [God has] really been sharing with me a lot of things and uncovering a lot of things in my life that are just not okay with Him. One of the things that has come up is Spelman College and the covenant that I made with the demon that is operating behind Spelman College. The demonic covenants that are there, all of the rituals, and all the things that are going on.”

Later in the video, she mentions that students who attended an HBCU may want to consider ending any connections that don't align with Christ.

After HBCU Twitter/X users discovered the video, numerous individuals took the initiative to express their disapproval. The video garnered a rapid increase in views, reaching 26,000 views with 669 comments, predominantly criticizing its content and the rationale behind it.

“Thee Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. himself laid in state at the chapel on Spelman's campus, but this cucumber brain is “denouncing” it because God told her a demon is operating behind Spelman? Yall gotta seek professional help,” @dijadontneedya posted.

@teemo2006 posted, “Not that girl saying she’s renouncing Spelman College in the name of Jesus. Um, our motto is literally “our whole school for Christ.” Literally founded on the basis of religion! And are you renouncing your degree so you won’t list it when applying for jobs ma’am???”

“Not that girl got on the video renouncing Spelman when she had a 2.4 let’s wrap this up ! And don’t get me wrong who truly cares about your college gpa, graduating is what matters. But please,” posted @CagedBirdd_.

“Oh that girl was fr ab denouncing spelman?  I’m cryin so where she get her degree from? She still got student loans? Like I’m confused bc I’m not watching ts,” posted @itsmajyswrld.

@TinyPrincess_D had a direct response to a portion of the video where Prince

“Are you a Christian that still is a part of a sorority or fraternity? Are you a Christian that celebrates demonic rainbows and unicorns? And Halloween, do you celebrate Halloween? Do you celebrate Easter? Meaning like getting into all the Easter bunny and the Easter egg hunts and all that kind of stuff, which is pagan. And, the tooth fairy and do you let your kids have like imaginary friends? Like all of those things, like I want you to check what kind of Christian you are because all those things that I just named, they, they do have demonic ties to them.”

@TinyPrincess_D responded to what was said in the video by posting, “There is a very distinct purpose for the rainbow. That said, Spelman College needs to REVOKE her degree, and she should not be allowed to use Spelman on her resume.