A brand-new character has just been leaked. Genshin Impact‘s own Twitter account revealed an upcoming geo character, Arataki Itto.

Currently, the Genshin Impact leaks have not revealed a lot of details yet on the new geo character, Arataki Itto. Apart from a short blurb and an official artwork, the tweet didn't give a lot of information. However, eagle-eyed and perceptive players have already listed down different information about Itto. This information comes from dialogue coming from other characters in the game. He even gets mentioned in Yoimiya's story, which is the nearest we have ever gotten to meet him so far.

According to Yoimiya, Arataki Itto is an Oni (demon), and loves to force friendly competitions. He appears to be reckless, and has been displaying “inappropriate” behavior along with his “gang.” He lost his vision when he was defeated by Kujou Sara, which led to him considering her as his rival. Despite losing his vision, he doesn't appear to change in character. He remains fiery and persistent.

Arataki Itto currently has no release date for Genshin Impact. We do not know when he will come out. However, given that he comes from Inazuma, it's very likely that his release won't be coming later on. There's high likelihood that Arataki will come out in the next few patches while the Traveler still has some reason to stay in Inazuma. All of this is just speculation, though.

As for the new geo character's move set, we have no information on that as well. We just know that the new character will likely wield a greatsword class weapon, although his official artwork portrays him with some sort of spiked club. Debate Club, much?