Excitement surged among gaming enthusiasts as CES 2024 unveiled thrilling updates regarding the adaptations of two highly revered video game franchises. Katherine Pope, president of Sony Pictures Television, revealed during the event that the writing process has officially commenced for the God of War series at Prime Video and the Horizon Zero Dawn series at Netflix, Cinelinx reports.

Pope expressed her enthusiasm, emphasizing the commitment to delivering exceptional content that entertains and resonates with diverse audiences. The announcement of the initiation of writing for these adaptations signals a significant step forward, igniting anticipation among fans eagerly awaiting these series.

However, Pope stopped short of detailing the series' progress toward production, likely due to the Hollywood strikes impacting the entertainment industry. Despite the lack of specifics, the confirmation of the writing phase launch serves as a beacon of hope, reigniting discussions among fans about potential castings and directors for these highly anticipated projects.

Notably, among the buzz surrounding the God of War series, fans are eager to see the portrayal of iconic characters like Kratos and Atreus. The suggestion of Christopher Judge, the current voice actor for Kratos, has garnered widespread support among enthusiasts as a fitting choice for the role.

While details about the series' development remain sparse, the revelation of the writing phase kickstarting is an encouraging development. Fans are now eagerly anticipating further announcements, hoping for updates on directors, casting decisions, and more insights into the adaptation process.

The God of War series adaptation on Prime Video and the Horizon Zero Dawn adaptation on Netflix hold immense promise, and as the writing progresses, anticipation continues to mount among gaming aficionados eagerly awaiting these beloved franchises' leap to the small screen.