We're four episodes into this prequel of Game of Thrones and there have been tons of callbacks and sweet trivia about the overall franchise. With six more to go, it stands to reason that fans will likely keep their eyes peeled for these hidden details. This week's installment, for instance, is filled to the brim with them. We take a look at the best House of the Dragon episode 4 easter eggs and what they really mean.

House of the Dragon episode 4 easter eggs

House of the Dragon, HBO, Entertainment

5. House Bracken and House Blackwood

At the start of episode four, we see Rhaenyra Targaryen in the Stormlands with Lord Boremund Baratheon presenting suitors from the different houses of Westeros. The most memorable of the bunch is a very young man from House Blackwood who nervously presented himself as husband to the princess. As he was doing this, a young adult from House Bracken kept taunting him until he lost his temper, and the pair engaged in a swordfight. This incident resulted in the death of the young Bracken at the hands of the same Blackwood he taunted moments earlier.

In the books, Houses Bracken and Blackwood are both under the command of House Tully in the Riverlands. They have been engaged in a fierce rivalry for centuries, which has led their feud to become a constant headache for Robb Stark and his allies in the War of the Five Kings.

4. Rhaenyra on the Small Council

In the span of four episodes, we've gotten a few time jumps since House of the Dragon started. At one point during the latest installment, King Viserys Targaryen mentions that it has been four years since he took Lady Alicent Hightower as his wife. With that in mind, there have been several changes made to the Small Council as well. The most notable one is Rhaenyra is now part of it.

With Corlys Velaryon failing to obtain support for his war in the Stepstones, it only stands to reason for him to vacate his seat in the Small Council. Along with the princess, someone from House Lannister is now the Master of Ships to replace Corlys. This also lines up Casterly Rock's location near the seas and their immense wealth being able to finance a fleet of ships for the Iron Throne.

3. Secret Passages

Midway through the episode, we see Rhaenyra receive a map and a disguise in her chambers. This leads the princess to inspect the wall behind her bed to find a secret passage. Rhaenyra takes this path, passes the massive skull of Balerion the Black Dread, and meets his uncle, Daemon Targaryen. After that, the pair travel to the slums beneath the castle and engage in a night of debauchery.

It should be remembered that at several points in Game of Thrones, these secret passages played an important part in helping certain characters escape or clandestine meetings were held. The most recent one is during the final season when Jaime Lannister met her sister, Queen Cersei, in the same place where Balerion's skull is located, only for the castle to crumble above, killing the siblings in the process.

2. Ser Harwin Strong

Just as Rhaenyra was running away from Daemon on the streets of King's Landing, she was accosted by a man of the City Watch. He recognizes the princess and lets her go without alerting his superiors. This is Ser Harwin Strong and he has an interesting story in the source material.

Much like in the show, Rhaenyra will wed Laenor Velaryon, son of Corlys and Rhaenys. Although their marriage isn't an ideal one, the princess managed to bore three sons. The thing is, these children didn't have the white hair from either House Targaryen or Velaryon. It was rumored that Rhaenyra took Ser Harwin, son of Lord Lyonel Strong, as her lover, and the sons she had belonged to him. It remains to be seen whether House of the Dragon will follow this plot point or tweak it a bit for the series.

1. Arya's dagger

Before the episode ends, Viserys summons Rhaenyra after hearing rumors of her and Daemon being seen in a pleasure house. He shows her a dagger plunged into a fire with an inscription on it. The king explains that Aegon the Conqueror had a vision that from his blood will come the Prince That Was Promised and his will be A Song of Ice and Fire.

This is a direct reference to the events of Game of Thrones and a prophecy that Jon Snow brought forth to life during the last season. The dagger is also the same one that sparked the war between the Starks and Lannisters and the very same blade that killed the Night King.

It remains to be seen whether some of these easter eggs will bear fruit in the latter seasons of House of the Dragon. Better keep your eyes peeled when watching future episodes because they're sure to be filled with a lot of these hidden trivia.