With College Football 25's Home Field advantage mechanics, the student section and game attendance will play a much larger role in helping your team win big games at home. However, in modes like Dynasty, you might need to work your way to earn that high attendance and receive some support from the 12th man. With College Football 25's Dynamic attendance feature, your fans will improve both your gameplay experience, as well as the game's presentation.

How Does Game Attendance Impact College Football 25's Gameplay?

In EA Sports College Football 25, the student section in your home stadium plays a much larger role thanks to a new featured called Dynamic Attendance. Here's how it works.

Say you begin a Dynasty with a school like Minnesota, where the Golden Gophers play in a Stadium with a capacity of over 50,000. At first, you might not be selling out games right away. However, should your team suddenly go undefeated, upsetting Penn State and Michigan along the way, that may change. But how does this affect gameplay?

College Football 25's Home Field advantage system includes a Pulse Meter. The higher the meter is, the more effective your fans are at disrupting the away team. Some of the ways your fans can affect other teams includes:

  • Receiver route lines become squiggly
  • Play art appears incorrectly
  • Increased failure rates of audibles and hot routes registering
  • Receiver icons disappear
  • Pre-snap Screen Shaking

However, the effectiveness of your Pulse Meter is influenced by the in-game attendance. Therefore, your fans will play a large role in helping you win home games. The better you play, the more supportive your fans become. And the more you win, the more seats you'll fill up at your stadium. Simply put, just keep winning!

That said, Game Attendance and the Pulse Meter can also work against you. For example, should your Golden Gophers travel to Michigan Stadium to play the #1 team in the league, you'll face a lot of pressure in front of a crowd of 100,000+. Remember all of those Pulse Meter effects listed above that helped you out earlier? Now they can be used against you in some of the season's most pivotal moments.

In terms of gameplay, the student sections and dynamic attendance play a big role in helping your team win games. However, it also makes College Football 25 seem very immersive. For those who like starting Dynasty with lower tier schools, you'll likely enjoy the process of building both your players, coaches, and now your game attendance.

Overall, that shows how Game Attendance greatly impacts College Football 25's Gameplay. Check out some of the other cool details revealed during the Deep Dive today.

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