Elliot Gindi, voice actor for Tighnari in Genshin Impact, is facing multiple allegations, emotional abuse, grooming, and sexual assault. HoYoverse swiftly commented on the matter only 2 days after the news broke.

HoYoverse on Tighnari VA Allegations

February 15 update: HoYoverse, through its official accounts and channels, have confirmed that Tighnari's English voice actor will be replaced. Existing voice lines will be gradually re-recorded and replaced. At present, they are in the process of re-casting a different VA.

HoYoverse responded to the allegations, and whether Gindi will remain in his role as Tighnari's voice actor through a company representative, as per Kotaku. “We deeply regret the harm and damage that happened to our fans, gamers, community, and anyone affected. Both our internal teams and external partners including our voice acting studio have been working together on an urgent solution. And we will keep you posted on the progress.”

It seems HoYoverse does intend on replacing Tighnari's voice actor, although we didn't get a definite answer from the developer-publisher. This wouldn't be the first time this has happened in the game's short history, as the Chinese voiceover actor for Oz, Fischl's avian companion, was replaced after he faced allegations of adultery in 2021.

The allegations against Gindi began via a tweet from one of Gindi's “main twitch and Discord moderators.” Said tweet contained a link to a Google Docs which compiled screenshots of messages between the voice actor and his victims. Do note that the document contains sensitive topics.

In the 48 hours that the tweet has been out, it has reached over 30k retweets and quotes, and almost 11 million views.

Community Reaction

Other voice actors, especially those who have also worked on Genshin Impact, have also voiced out their reactions about the allegations.

“I am furious. HOW DARE Elliot threaten to take his life if the victims came forward. Truly sick in the head. Everything Elliot has done has left me so angry and triggered. There needs to be consequences for his actions. There needs to be support for the victims,” tweeted Brianna Knickerbocker who voiced Hu Tao. “Please speak up if and when safe to do so, please don't stop speaking up. I'm so sorry we live in such a dark place with such disgusting predators, groomers. I'm sorry it's hard and scary to speak up.

Don't let them silence you. Don't let them win. I BELIEVE YOU.”

Allegra Clark, who provided Beidou's voice, tweeted “I'm just. Really angry about this. So much love to the victims, that shouldn't have ever happened to you. The community deserves better. It costs $0 to not be like that.”

“I'm also angry that I need to say something. Not only because it should be fucking logical, but also because I don't want anything to do with it. But no, same game, I also stream and have a lovely community, I need to say something,” she added.

The voice actors that also regularly stream have expressed their intent to no longer associate with Gindi in the future. “Disappointed and angry. I have removed the stream with Elliot and will no longer be associating with him,” said Aether's voice actor Zach Aguilar. “I refuse to give someone like this a platform in any way. To use your power this way over fans is disgusting and shameful. My heart goes out for the victims of this situation.”

Lumine's Sarah Miller-Crews is equally appalled: “Shocked and disgusted. I’m sending all my heart to the victims of this situation, I hope all of you are okay. Elliot’s behavior is absolutely inexcusable and he won’t be part of any group streams I help organize in the future.”

Erika Harlacher-Stone, who voiced Venti, also tweeted something similar. “Furious. Elliot Gindi has been removed from all group streams/activities I have any part in organizing moving forward. I’m… this is really triggering for me…”

The voice of Yae Miko, Ratana, penned her thoughts: “Fame- at any level- comes with a responsibility to its fandom. I do not condone predatory behavior at all. To those affected: thank you for speaking up. I'm holding space for your healing + peace. I'm sad, angry, and so so effing tired. You deserve better.”

“What Elliot did is awful, vile and I’m sorry to all the victims he affected. It’s inexcusable and I’m hurting physically and emotionally! I do not condone any of his disgusting actions,” said Cyno's VA Alejando Saab. “I’m mad, sad and just… frustrated. I considered him a friend and this… this sucks and I’m sorry. My heart goes out to all the victims he affected. Love you guys and you all deserve better.”

Jenny Yokobori, the voice of Yoimiya, took on a less calm stance but voiced out what many of us wanted to say. “Elliot Gindi is abhorrent. The abuse that he inflicted upon his victims is unforgivable. I am absolutely disgusted with him and anyone trying to defend him. I wish nothing but peace for the victims. I don’t give a shit about any ‘apology', though. I’m so goddamn sick of the excuse of ‘sudden fame' for these predators. A lot of followers doesn’t make you a predator. You were just a predator waiting for a lot of followers. This is ESPECIALLY obvious since he admits he went after a specific victim BECAUSE they were a fan.”

Elliot Gindi Apology

Shortly after the initial exposé, Elliot Gindi put out a TwitLonger titled “I owe an apology,” essentially admitting to the blackmail and sexual assault that the screenshots in the document showed. The whole TwitLonger read:

“I am deeply sorry to those I hurt. It was never my intention to hurt anyone. I tried to keep it above board. I thought everything was consensual and safe. I tried to tell myself I could make it ethical with clear communication and boundaries. I was so wrong and I realized this which is why I tried to come clean to everyone I know, log off and get therapy. To those who believed in me even after I came clean I'm sorry to have let you down. Please do not use this as an opportunity to bash other cast members or the game. No one knew.

What is true: All of the screenshots of the chat logs. Yes, all of the cringy sex talk. Yes, I did threaten suicide if it got out. I didn't think through the severity of that. I'm sorry. I never intended to change someone ace, they insisted this is what they wanted. I ended things, but later gave in to emotional weakness and re-engaged when I was offered a chance to

What is not true: That I knowingly did anything with anyone underage That I did not respect someone's pronoun changes. I was not “waiting” for someone 15 to turn 18. I flatly rejected them.

Re: Other questionable practices: There are times when I’ve streamed in my boxers, but there was never any sexual intention nor focus meant by this. I did not realize it could be interpreted that way and I apologize profusely to anyone who was made uncomfortable by this. In addition, I did not engage with anyone in the ways described above outside of those 3 people I was involved with.

I understand what I did was wrong and inappropriate, and to the best of my ability tried to confess as much to those I contacted. I reacted inappropriately to situations where I felt desired, and caused harm to so many people in the process. I understand that my actions have consequences, and am committing myself to accepting my responsibility while making the effort to get – and do – better.”

Elliot Gindi has since kept his silence on social media and blacked out his profile and cover photos. Two days prior to the TwitLonger and a day before the exposé, he put out a tweet saying that his friends recommended that he “take a break and seek therapy.” and that “[he'll] be back when the therapist says [he] should.”