Hugh Jackman didn't think he landed the part of Wolverine after a failed audition with Kevin Feige. But we all know how it ended up…

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Jackman, Fiege, and Ryan Reynolds discussed all things Deadpool and Wolverine. During the conversation, it appeared that Jackman truly thought it was over after bombing an auction and that he'd never see Feige again.

Story of Hugh Jackman believing he didn't get the part of Wolverine

It started when Dougray Scott landed the part of Wolverine. However, the actor had a scheduling conflict with Mission: Impossible 2, resulting in a last-minute change to find a replacement.

Enter Jackman, who recalled how badly it went when reading lines. He mentioned Bryan Singer was there, and it didn't go well. Plus, he thought the part was already cast, unaware Scott was out.

“He's just going, ‘Quiet…Quieter…Quieter.' By the end, I couldn't even hear myself,” Jackman says of Tom DeSanto, the screenwriter. “I could tell he was like, Why on my lunch hour am I auditioning some guy for a part that I've already cast? He was pissed off.”

That wasn't the end of it, though. On the way to the airport, Kevin Feige offered to take him out for a meal with DeSanto.

“I said, ‘Kevin, we all know I'm not getting the part. You don't have to do dinner,'” Jackman continued. “But no, he sat in there and had a steak dinner with me and then drove me to the airport. I'll never forget it. That was the nicest thing. I thought I'd never see him again.”

Of course, as we know, it wasn't the last time he saw Kevin. Hugh went on to make nine Wolverine appearances. Now, he's gearing up for the highly anticipated Deadpool & Wolverine.

The future of Deadpool wasn't clear for Ryan Reynolds

Regarding a third Deadpool, Reynolds didn't know for sure if it would happen or not.

“I didn't know if I'd ever be playing Deadpool again,” the star said. “It's not something I would've said necessarily publicly, but I didn't know how a character like that would fit into that world [of the MCU].”

But, like Wolverine, we all know how it became a success story.

Feige commented, “The notion that, all these years later, we're in a world where [Jackman] is Wolverine, and Deadpool and all of those X-Mean characters are together under the same roof, is a pretty amazing quarter-of-a-century experience.”

Luckily, Jackman also wanted to keep being Wolverine after announcing his retirement from the character.

“From the moment I saw Deadpool 2…I had literally announced maybe a couple of weeks before that Logan was going to be my last, and I remember watching it and I'm 15 minutes in going, ‘F—!' I could feel it,” Jackman said.

It all worked out well. Hugh had a chance to wear the claws again, and a blockbuster movie is coming. Check out Deadpool & Wolverine when it hits theaters on July 26.