In a sea of generic shows that mostly follow the same formula, it can't be denied that James Gunn's Peacemaker is a breath of fresh air. While most offerings on TV and streaming sites tend to be on the safe side, this series manages to be loud and fun without all the complexities. But as it turns out, there's more down the road when it comes to Gunn and DC.

Just recently, Gunn appeared on Neil Vagg's podcast to promote Peacemaker's debut in the United Kingdom. The Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy director then teased the show's second season while dropping hints about two other potential DC projects down the road.

“Frankly, I’m working on another DC thing, and maybe another one. So we’ve got a couple of different things we’re trying to balance with the story,” Gunn said.

At this point in time, there is a wide array of possible choices Gunn can go for. While the most obvious choice is to explore certain characters from The Suicide Squad, such as Harley Quinn or Ratcatcher, there is a possibility that these projects will revolve around other rumored DC properties, such as Justice League Dark or a Constantine revival. What's clear, though, is that these properties will appear on television, and not on film.

At this point in time, it's anyone's guess which of DC's massive library of properties Gunn will go for. In all of these things, there are certainties fans can count on. One, the second season of Peacemaker is confirmed, which means more of John Cena and cast fleshing this part of the DC universe. Two, Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and its Holiday Special spinoff are also coming down the line, which means more of his signature storytelling that has won him countless fans around the world.

And of course, three, Gunn is developing two DC properties for TV. If his time with Peacemaker has proven anything, Gunn is very capable of transforming an obscure concept into something everyone will love. Here's hoping that everything great about Gunn makes its way to a larger part of the DC universe.