Jessica Chastain has taken on a lot of dramatic roles lately from playing Tammy Faye Bakker in The Eyes of Tammy Faye to playing Tammy Wynette in George & Tammy. However, it was Scenes From a Marriage that caused Chastain to need “a little bit of. breather” from co-star Oscar Isaac.

Speaking to Vanity Fair on their Little Gold Men podcast, Chastain discussed HBO’s adaptation of Ingmar Bergman’s Scenes From a Marriage. She revealed that her relationship with Isaac has been forever changed since filming the miniseries: “I mean, Scenes From a Marriage was very tough. And I love Oscar [Isaac], but the reality is, our friendship has never quite been the same.”

She continued, “We’re going to be okay, but after that, I was like, I need a little bit of a breather. There was so much I love you, I hate you in that series.”

The HBO adaptation of Scenes From a Marriage was a contemporary take on Bergman’s classic. It observes the daily life of a couple. In the original series, Liv Ullmann and Erland Josephson played the main couple over the course of six hour-long episodes. HBO’s version starred Chastain and Oscar Isaac throughout its five-episode run.

Jessica Chastain is a three-time Oscar nominee and won her first one for The Eyes of Tammy Faye. She was on a bit of a historical figure kick from 2021-2022 as she played Tammy Faye Bakker, Tammy Wynette, and Maryanne Trump (in a cameo role in Armageddon Time). Her latest role was in The Good Nurse, a true-crime drama based on real events. Coming up, she’ll star in a film titled Memory with Peter Sarsgaard.